How much do Flight Attendants really make in 2022?

The Aviation department and the people working in it are always looked up to by the people as they always consider their life to be a lavish and comfortable one. But that’s not always the case, for example, taking an example of the Flight attendants i.e., the people who serve and look after the needs of the passengers traveling on board are considered to be paid pretty well for traveling the world, but there are different case and scenarios on which their pay depends like the airlines they are working in, their seniority i.e., their years of total work and serving, the hours they work for, etc. There are many such factors, let’s take a look at these factors in brief: – Airlines working for – Different airlines have different pay scales and different categories for their payment i.e., their paying scale varies from country to country(different countries have different expenditure & resources), and also on the type of operation whether it works on a charter plane, privat...